
The Friends of Hugh Embry Library coordinate and participate in various support projects on behalf of the library.

Book Bazaar – Our dedicated volunteers operate this monthly fundraising effort, which accounts for our largest single source of funding each year. Proceeds from the Book Bazaar go directly to the library for a variety of needs.

A woman browses the collection books available at the bazaar

A woman browses the collection books available at the bazaar

Community Organization and Networking – Through luncheons, letter-writing campaigns, face-to-face meetings, and community involvement, we encourage local government and business leaders to support the role that Hugh Embry Branch Library and the Pasco County Library System play in improving the quality of life in our community.

HE 2009-06-09 Friends Luncheon for Pasco Co BoCC (15)

Library Improvements – Landscaping renovations, new library furniture, and technology replacements are among the many library improvements that the Friends support and/or accomplish.

HE 2009-08-14 Table -- top view 002HE Outdoor Sign - 1st Message

Program Funding – Library programs for children, teenagers, and adults are funded in whole or in part through our fundraising efforts. Many programs are made possible through our recruitment of presenters and volunteers. Major annual programs funded in part by the Friends include the Summer Reading Clubs and Pasco County’s original and biggest Battle of the Bands.

HE 2009-07-30 SRC Final Party - Drum Circle 226
Hugh Embry